Our News

18 Jul 24

Wine walking tour at Château de Chenonceau

From July 5 to August 23, discover the wine walks at Château de Chenonceau


Set off to discover the wines of Chenonceau!

During this oenological walk, departing from the château's vineyards, you will explore the gardens of Chenonceau for a guided and sensory tour, to better understand the terroir of the Touraine-Chenonceaux AOC.

This young appellation offers a perfect match, a sincere alchemy between a land and this unique château.

The Château de Chenonceau evokes the idea of perfect harmony between nature, made of water, air and greenery, and unique architecture.

Night walk and music in the illuminated gardens of the castle.

Learn more ...


#chateaudechenonceau, #chateaudesdames, #chenonceau, #AOCTouraineChenonceaux, #vindechenonceau, #oenotourismetouraine, #vindetouraine
26 Mar 24

The tourist season is open!

With the arrival of spring, the castles of the Loire and Cher Valleys are preparing to welcome visitors from all over the world.

Discover the tourist sites, the natural heritage and the many activities of the Touraine region: the Au Nom des Dames guest house offers you the documentation to make your dream stay come true!

#paquesentouraine, #paquesvalleedelaloire, #parczoobeauval, #zoobeauval, #valleedelaLoire, #valleeducher, #loireavelo, #tourismevalleedelaloire, #tourismevaldecher, #tourismechenonceau, #tourismezoodebeauval, #tourismechambord, #tourismecheverny, #montgolfiereentouraine, #montgolfierechateauxdelaloire, #chateauxdelaloire
Voyage dans l'Univers de Léo

Voyage dans l'Univers de Léo

09 Feb 24

Léo The fabulous story of Leonardo da Vinci - Amboise

From the royal castle of Amboise…

Exhibition ""Journey into Léo's universe""

On the occasion of the European release of the animated film Léo , which retraces the Amboise destiny of Leonardo da Vinci , the royal castle of Amboise is exhibiting from January to mid-April 2024 magnificent original models , taken from the filming sets.

...at Clos Lucé d'Amboise

Exhibition "Léo. Behind the scenes of the animated film"

from February 3 to May 12, 2024

On the occasion of the theatrical release of the animated film Léo by Jim Capobancio dedicated to the last years of Leonardo da Vinci's life in Amboise, Clos Lucé, Leonardo's final resting place and partner of the film, is exhibiting a large part of his settings such as the castle, his room as well as the other characters who were used in the making of the film: Francis I, Louise of Savoy, Marguerite of Navarre…

#chateaurooyalamboise, #closluceamboise, #filmleoamboise, #leonarddevinciamboise, #expositionamboise, #expositionclosluce, #leonarddevinciclosluce
Promo Suite familiale

Promo Suite familiale

09 Feb 24

Stay in a Suite for the same price!

From February 9 to March 17, 2024

Stay in a large Family Suite with 2 separate bedrooms for the price of a Double or Triple Room!


* Benefit from an immediate discount by reserving the Louise Dupin or Diane de Poitiers rooms and move upmarket for the same price!

#chambredhotesTouraine, #maisondhoteszooparcdebeauval, #maisondhotesTouraine, #maisondhotesvalleedelaloire, #chambredhotesparcdebeauval, #maisondhotesfamilleloiretcher, #maisondhotesTouraine, #maisondhotesloirevalley, #maisonfamilialefaverollessurcher, #sejourfamilleLoirevalley, #sejourfamilleLoireetCher,sejourfamillezoodebeauval
18 Dec 23

Christmas holidays in the land of Loire Valley castles

Come and discover the magic of Christmas with your family in the most beautiful castles of the Loire Valley.

From December 2, 2023 to January 7, 2024, seven of the largest castles of the Loire celebrate the spirit of the end-of-year holidays through exceptional tours and activities: it's "Christmas in the land of castles"" in Touraine.

Discover Chenonceaux, Amboise, Loches, Langeais, Chinon, Villandry and Azay-le-Rideau 7 castles with fabulous and themed decorations around Christmas not to be missed!

La Maison d'Hôtes au Nom des Dames has also dressed up in its most beautiful festive clothes to welcome you in a warm and festive setting!

Located near the most beautiful castles of Touraine and the Beauval zoo park just 20 minutes away, the house offers you its family suites and its table d'hôtes (except Christmas and New Year's Eve) for a dream vacation.

Nathalie, like a real Mother Christmas, will shower you with attention and little surprises!



#valleedelaloire, #magiedenoelentouraine, #magieauxpaysdeschateaux, #noelauzoodebeauval, #zooparcbeauval, #vacancesfamillenoel
28 Nov 23

The Christmas spirit has arrived to Au Nom des Dames!

Au Nom des Dames is adorned with festive colors!

Because it is a festive period, of sharing and conviviality, all the values that Nathalie likes to transmit to her travelers, Christmas will be there in the Au Nom des dames guest house.

Come and enjoy this warm and joyful atmosphere during the holidays or during a cocooning break this winter in Touraine.

#noelaunomdesdames, #noelfaverollessurcher, #maisondhotesaunomdesdames, #noelentouraine, #fetesaunomdesdames
06 Nov 23

Beauval Zoo Park pink notebook

Adorable Raja the baby orangutan,

Sofy and Tissaia, the giraffes,

Ivar, the beautiful zebra!


Every year, we witness 900 births at ZooParc de Beauval. Vital births to raise visitors' awareness of the protection of biodiversity and endangered animal species. During the summer and at the beginning of autumn, small balls of hair, feathers or scales appeared in the enclosures or ponds. While waiting to come see them, here is a small selection just for you!

#parczoobeauval, #zoobeauval, #naissanceszoobeauval, #bebeourangoutanbeauval, #automneabeauval
05 Oct 23

Autumn in Touraine!

Autumn is there...

...and with it, the mushrooms, the glowing trees, the orange sky...

The first freshnesses that make us want to savor potion soups, roast chestnuts, pan-fried porcini mushrooms!

Come and discover the royal forests such as those of the Château de Chenonceau, the Château de Montpoupon, stroll on the banks of the Cher and enjoy the show!

#Touraine, #automneentouraine, #valdeLoire, #valdecher, #laloireavelo, #lecheravelo, #baladeenforet, #volenmontgolfiere, #gastronomieentouraine
Chateau de Chenonceau allée principale

Chateau de Chenonceau allée principale

21 Sep 23

Holidays in Touraine - All Saints' Day 2023

The two weeks of All Saints' Day school holidays are ideal for enjoying the beautiful autumn days!

Whether you are with family or friends, the All Saints' Day holidays are also an opportunity to discover the heritage of Touraine, the Loire Valley and the Cher during visits to the famous Loire castles or to take a a breath of fresh air during walks in the forest.

It's also the time to peacefully discover the Beauval Zoo park, just 15 minutes from the ""Au nom des Dames"" guest house.

So don't wait any longer, book your stay for the All Saints' Day holidays!

The All Saints' Day holidays take place from Saturday October 21 to Sunday November 5, 2023 for all zones A, B and C.

Stay idea: if you want to take a break for a few days, take advantage of our stay promotion ""YES for a break in Touraine at All Saints' Day"".

#maisond'hotesvaldecher, #Touraine, #sejourvacances, #chateauxdelaloire, #baladeenforetentouraine, #chateauxdelaloire, #foretdechenonceaux, #chateaudechenonceau, #Montrichard, #zoodebeauval, #visitesdechateaux, #vacancesdelatoussaint, #Montpoupon, #cavesMonmousseau, #chateauAmboise, #chateauClosLuce
Produits locaux

Produits locaux

11 Sep 23

Table d'hôtes from September 18, 2023!

From September 18, 2023, discover the local products that I offer you in the guest table!

Make the most of your stay by completing your accommodation with a ""table d'hôte"" dinner, a friendly, gourmet meal that highlights regional products.

#tabledhotes, #demiepension, #dinertabledhotes, #séjourdemiepension, #tabledhotesaunomdesdames, #maisonettabledhotes